Autumn Home

Autumn is such a pretty season. How I love the jewel toned leaves and the crispness in the air. It invokes coziness, warmth and comfort. I read a quote the other day, “God paints in hues that never clash”. Oh, how true that is!

As I sit on my porch swing and take in all the beauty around me, I thank God for this wonderful time of year and how lucky I am to experience it. How perfectly pretty is the world as it becomes Autumn and how quickly and quietly it changes as I go about my daily life.

Hello everyone, I would like to share my Autumn home decor with the hope it fills you with cozy, warm and comforting inspirations.

Dahlias, hydrangeas, pumpkins, sunflowers and fall branches fill up the spaces here and there around my home. I enjoyed using these items in the pretty jewel tones I see outside. I like to combine these items in artistic ways that bring about welcoming feelings.

I like the softness of some of the items, they add to that comfy and cozy look.

Stacking and layering helps to create interesting vignettes. It keeps spaces from being plain and adds whimsical touches to the decor. The copper pot is just the right touch to the neutral toned pumpkin arrangement.

Even the placement of small decorative items can add an impact, such as this Baby Boo pumpkin nestled in with a few toys. It becomes an unexpected display.

My dining room table is ready for Autumn and Thanksgiving Day. All that’s needed are the plates, glasses and flatware. It’ll be quick and easy to finish the table for that day. I don’t have to finish it now, because the table appears decorated enough until then. I like to decorate the tables, especially when they are the focal point in a room. I feel they need something to dress them up instead of leaving them plain.

The living room mantel, though it may not be in jewel tones is pretty on its own. I used pink, cream and white dahlias to dress up this space. The dahlias still invoke Autumn and the mixture of items work together perfectly. I happened to find these two light pink pumpkins after I put this arrangement together. I knew just where I could use them when I spotted them on-line at TJ Maxx.